Monday, September 8, 2008

Atomic clocks

What is atomic time? There are a few radio stations around the world that send out time based on an atomic clock. There are two in Europe (UK and DE), on in Colorado, USA, and a third one somewhere in Japan.

On my nightstand I have an oregon scientific clock. It picks up the time automatically from a radio signal from Germany DCF (Frankfurt, Germany). I pick that up in Stockholm, Sweden. The radio station is called DCF. Don't ask me how it got that name.

No problem. Every night when I go to sleep near midnight I see it picking up the signal.

I bought a wrist watch as well which picks up an atomic signal. The signal comes from the UK though. I wondered at first if I could pick up the signal in Stockholm. But no problem. My watch which can pick up the signal from either Germany or the UK prefers the UK signal. I was surprised and impressed.

The UK signal comes from anther station called MFS in Anthorn, Cumbria. It started transmitting from Anthorn in April of 2007. Before that it was Rugby.

I read that the Anthorn signal has a better range than the original Rugby signal. In any event, I pick it up in Stockholm.